Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Time with my girl

Today I almost drove home after Kyleigh and I dropped off Cameron at school. I'm so glad I didn't. We went to the park and I walked while she slept then she got to play on the playground a bit. After that we just walked around and explored. Kyleigh likes to lead and it is a challenge at times but at Banana Lake I can lead with confidence and let her follow me from a distance. I like that. She still gets to have her independence but follows my lead and looks to me for guidance. I love that we just sat under a tree watching the birds and looking out at the lake. Time stood still and we played with acorns and laughed about the acorns having hats. It was so simple yet she laughed with such joy and a gleam in her eye. She had Mama all to herself and I didn't feel the need to rush to the next store or to run errands or any of that. Just me and my girl. I love her so much!


Mary said...

Sounds absolutely perfect.

Amy Button said...

Awww, so sweet! I love girl time :)